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View from the ruins of the historic Monte Palace Hotel with panoramic views of the mountains and lagoons in São Miguel, Azores

6. Hotel Monte Palace Ruins

The Monte Palace Hotel is an abandoned hotel located on São Miguel Island, right next to the famous Vista do Rei Viewpoint. The hotel was built in the 1980s and closed shortly after its opening. Since then, the building has been abandoned and has become another tourist attraction, especially for the views of the Lagoa das Sete Cidades that can be seen from its rooftop.

Another tourist attraction of the Monte Palace Hotel is its ruins themselves. The building, which was once a luxurious five-star hotel, is now in ruins and covered in graffiti. Furthermore, its location amidst nature and being covered by vegetation creates a quite striking image.

Although access to the hotel's rooftop can be challenging and not suitable for everyone, from there you can admire a spectacular landscape and a panoramic view of the area, with the added thrill of seeing it from a large abandoned building.

If you visit the Monte Palace Hotel, keep in mind that it can be dangerous and entering the building is not recommended. If you decide to venture into the hotel, it's important to exercise caution, as it requires climbing a wall to enter and furthermore, it has recently been purchased and has become private property, so entry is prohibited.

By the way! Don’t forget all the ways you have to enjoy Lagoa das Sete Cidades and its viewpoints with these activities:

Don’t miss some of the best activities in Sete Cidades!

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