10. Despe-te Que Suas Viewpoint
The Despe-te Que Suas Viewpoint is another impressive viewpoint on São Miguel Island, located on the north coast of the island. From this viewpoint, you can enjoy a spectacular view of the coastline and its cliffs, with the blue sea as the protagonist.
The name of the viewpoint is somewhat curious. In English, it translates to "undress, you sweat," something that might discourage a visit to this viewpoint, don't you think? But don't worry, from what we've gathered, this name comes from the fact that the viewpoint is located on a very high cliff that used to be very difficult to reach in the past. Nowadays, you can reach it by car, and there's space for parking right there. Additionally, it's a good spot for a picnic as there are some tables and benches available.
This viewpoint is very close to the three recommended east coast viewpoints in the Nordeste area of this guide, so it's very common to visit them all on the same day. If you start from the southern coast, the first viewpoint would be Ponta do Sossego Viewpoint, followed by Vista dos Barcos Viewpoint and Ponta Arnel Viewpoint, until finally reaching the north coast and enjoying Despe-te Que Suas Viewpoint.