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Who are we?

Hey there, fellow traveler! I bet you're wondering who's behind this São Miguel guide. Well, we're Aina and Daniel, a couple from Barcelona who absolutely love to travel and explore the world. We've been on the road together for over 7 years now, constantly scheming our next adventure.

After some time, we realized that our passion for traveling isn't just about the journey itself, but also about sharing our adventures and experiences with others. That's why we decided to kick off this project, pouring all our efforts into it with a hefty dose of passion, excitement, and love.

We sincerely hope you enjoy and find helpful this electronic travel guide for São Miguel.

Nosotros en Lagoa das Furnas, São Miguel, Azores

Why São Miguel?

This São Miguel travel guide marks our debut in creating online travel guides. And why São Miguel, you might ask? Well, it's simple – we're utterly captivated by it. We believe it's an island that encapsulates the best of what we love: nature, tranquility, and authenticity. If we had to sum up what São Miguel offers in one sentence, it'd be something like a 'true connection with nature'. Once you set foot on the island, you'll understand what we mean.


São Miguel is a haven for hiking enthusiasts, but it's not just about that: the coastal villages, water activities, abundance of thermal springs, and, of course, its gastronomy, leave no one indifferent. 


We also felt that the available information for planning a trip to São Miguel, being the largest island in the Azores, was somewhat limited. This island deserves its own comprehensive guide, packed with practical information to empower anyone to plan their trip worry-free. That's why we've focused on providing a guide by regions, as organized as possible, to streamline planning and clearly highlight the main points of interest. Plus, we've made sure to include the most recommended hiking trails in each area so you don't miss out on any of them.

we two in furnas lagoon, São Miguel, Azores
we two in furnas lagoon, São Miguel, Azores
We two in Furnas Lagoon, São Miguel, Azores

And finally, 10 things about us to help you get to know us a bit better...

1. We're from Barcelona and we're in love with this city, although our hearts also have a soft spot for other incredible cities in Spain like Madrid, Seville, or San Sebastián.

2. We've been traveling together for 7 years. Our first trip was to Scotland and since then, we haven't been able to stop. Discovering new places and living experiences has become our priorit.

3. We're always planning our next destination. Aina is more into detailed planning, while Dani prefers to improvise and 'go with the flow'. To find a middle ground, we always leave plenty of free time to improvise or do whatever comes up at each destination we visit, like wandering aimlessly or exploring less crowded areas.

4. Aina used to have a terrible fear of flying. If you knew how many times Dani has endured the force of panic squeezing his hand... Nevertheless, fear has never stopped her from getting on planes and nowadays, she can boast of having (almost) completely overcome this fear.

5. While traveling, we complement each other perfectly from day one, although we must confess something: we have different rhythms. For Dani, going a day without his 30-minute nap is very difficult, while Aina sees it as a waste of time during the trip. Still, we've managed to find a balance (or so we think).

6. We adore hiking and nature, which explains why São Miguel is so special to us. Our other favorite destinations are clear: Iceland and Scotland, other natural paradises. But don't think we don't enjoy a good city like New York or any European capital full of culture and history.

7. We love to eat, and who doesn't? Before visiting a new country or city, we research its gastronomy and the best restaurants to taste it. In fact, it's very likely that before arriving, we already have several reservations made.

8. Dani can't leave a country or region without trying its main traditional dish, and we assure you he's a true fan of São Miguel's famous 'Cozido das Furnas'. Aina is a bit more "particular" when it comes to eating, but to win her over, all you have to do is offer her a good cheese. You can imagine how happy she is in Italy or France, although the Azores stole her heart with the 'Queijo São Jorge'.

9. We love to walk kilometers and kilometers without stopping. If we can, during our travels we try not to use any type of transportation, especially in cities, so we don't miss out on anything along the way and discover every corner of the place we visit. You can imagine the pain in our feet we have at the end of the day...

10. We really enjoy being active and on the go most of the time, but we're not going to lie to you: we also highly value having days of rest where we 'do absolutely nothing'. Spending time watching a good movie or reading a book is another pleasure of life.

Nosotros en Lagoa das Sete Cidades, São Miguel, Azores

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